A brief introduction
I’m @crashmoney. Welcome to Ever Going Journey, a space for me to share reviews, thoughts and everything in between.
You can usually find me either reading or writing. If I’m not doing either, I’m probably listening to music.
Find me at on Mastodon for more frequent, short-form content 😉
Content policy
I am not affiliated or paid for anything on this blog. At the moment, it’s a passion project in my spare time. Should I take on any requests (e.g. ARCs), they will be clearly stated in the post.
Particularly in the case of reviews or commentaries, I endeavor to explain my opinions clearly and respectfully. However, it is just that – my opinion, and likely not written in malice.
On sharing
Please do not re-post the entire contents of this website anywhere else. It takes time and effort to write posts, and plagiarism just isn’t a good look.
Sharing or linking to my content (as a response on social media/your own blog) is more than fine, and very appreciated 😄
Linking policy
Book reviews
As far as possible, I try to link to the author’s page. You can usually find it around the cover/blurb frontmatter of a review.
In the absence of an author website or book page, I’ll link the edition I read on The Storygraph.
Referencing other media
If I reference a book, movie or song, I will link to either a Storygraph, Letterboxd or Spotify page respectively.
Privacy policy
This website doesn’t track you, store your data or collect cookies.
I do run built-in Cloudflare analytics, simply because I want to see how many visitors I have and what they read. In other words, I collect only numbers, and don’t actually know anything about you.