A utopia created through removal of choice is a dystopia

In order to form a utopia, everything has to be perfect. Unfortunately, human beings aren’t perfect, and will never be. That goes especially when we’re left to their own devices. Humans are lazy, evil, greedy and any other multitude of negative synonyms going against a perfect, good populace. People in power – usually governments or dictators – will force their vision of a perfect world upon the populace. Choice will be removed, because choices lead to mistakes that lead to erosion of the utopia....

August 25, 2024 · 1 min

The best climaxes are sometimes the ones that never arrive

Sometimes, the best climaxes are the ones that never arrive. This is especially in horror movies, where focus has shifted over the years from cheap jumpscares to creating tension through anticipation for a jumpscare that never comes. I personally haven’t seen it, but people have pointed to The Invisible Man as an example. On the other hand, while keeping the tension and stakes high can be very effective, it has to be done carefully....

December 26, 2022 · 1 min

NaNoWriMo Isn't Just About New Content and Word Counts

NaNoWriMo is about more than just cranking out 50,000 words in a month and new content. It’s easy to get caught up in numbers and the very nice stats the website provides us, so here’s a gentle reminder that NaNo is more than that. Last year, I did NaNo for the first time, and it actually wasn’t too bad. I got around 15,000 words done, which was a lot for me and more than the ~900 words I had going into November....

November 11, 2021 · 2 min